If you have an opportunity to take one of Nicole's Classes, do it. Just go and do it. You'll be so glad you did!
The Seller's Retreat was amazing and I learned so much from Nicole, Alma and Mike.
They are incredible and incredibly talented!
The class size was small so that we would get to know one another and have one on one instructor attention. There were eight in our class and I loved that!
We learned Illustrator, Photoshop, product photography, marketing ourselves, and more. I have a lot to implement!
Here are a few behind the scenes photos of our two day class....

Photojojo was right next door. I was beyond thrilled when the class went in there to check out their set up for product photography.The excitement for me didn't end there, Nathiya from Emera and Pineapple Seed came to talk with us. She's so nice and very inspiring.
We visited some online shops who have store fronts in the Mission District. Really fun and very interesting...
I'll be introducing you to my amazingly talented classmates soon - you'll love them!
PS - There is a French Photo Retreat in July. Oooh, la, la, wouldn't it be amazing to be an attendee! If you sign up, you'll have to let me know so I can covet while you're there....