1!,2!, 3!,4!, bang, bangity, bang, bang!!
Painting our house was a family affair full of laughter, hard work, sibling bickering, sweat and sunburns....

We have also brought soil in for the front yard and have started adding few flowers.
We are really happy with how it's turning out.
Here's a sneak peek of our progress...
Woot! Woot! What a great set of colors. Tell Larry my house is next. :)
Love you.
Great! I love how you painted the dated brick, too!
Are you going to paint the front door a vibrant color???
It's looking so awesome!!!
It's looking so good!! It sure brightened up the place, and the bricks look good painted. No more 50's feel!
It looked super good when we drove by tonight. I love the tiffany blue door.
Looks fab!!
It looks so good! Huge difference!
It's looking great!
Oh my goodness! You are doing so much fun stuff to your house! I wish we were doing half the stuff your doing!
Looks really good. Lets here it for some curb appeal.
Yay! Wish I could see it in person!
I like the brick painted too. I need to drive by so I can really appreciate the blue!
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