Friday, July 25, 2008


Today I was able to complete more tests which consisted of fasting for buu-kuu blood work and a glucose test. On Sunday I have to complete a 24 hour urine collection to be turned in on Monday.

Look at the size of these puppies! They are
g-eye-nor-mous! No need to ask what I am doing this weekend,


How am I supposed to get my urine into those containers? With this....

While I was at the hospital finishing up some blood tests, I got a text from Larry which read, "Guess who took 5 steps?"

You guessed it folks, my littlest man is walking. Watch out world.....


The Mulligan Family said...

Laura! Only you could create a blog entry that combines PEE with your childs first steps! too funny! Have fun this weekend. I guess if we don't hear from you - we'll know what you're doing!!

meesteryoung said...

What are you doing this weekend?

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