I found turkey bacon in the freezer that had expired in February, some dairy turned science experiment in the fridge and rice-a-roni boxes in the cupboard that expired 2 years ago!

Click here for the complete assignment for week 1 and let me know - I'd love to see your before and after photo!
What a fantastic idea!
Your fridge looks great!
Ohhh there's nothing like organized food!! I'm trying to get those first-in-first-out can organizers too so my cupboards won't have expired food either. Doesn't it feel good to have a totally functional fridge?
What if I said I didn't want to do it..just joking but I am in serious need of a plan.
That's cool! We just did ours and the little surprises you find are such fun ~ almost like a treasure hunt!
Ooohh....It looks so good! The best part of us moving, is that our food is so organized. For now.
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