It came time for me to leave Stephanie so she could continue her journey to Scotland for her new life adventures.
I might have cried. She might have cried. I'm so happy for her!!
I had to say goodbye Miriam too. She's our awesome Mexican sister.PS - Yes, I know it looks like I'm having boobie issues in the photo but it's the only goodbye photo I have.
I didn't even notice your boobs until you commented. Now all I can think of is my grandma, post-mastectomy. Her fake boob tended to ride around on her. ; )
I'm so happy you were able to spend quality time with Stephanie before she left. Also your Mexican sister from another ya Miriam ;)
I also didn't notice the boobs until you mentioned anything.
Miss you!
The boob thing wouldn't have been noticed by me either except for you pointing it out and then it kinda made me laugh...
Good luck to Stephanie!
I feel like going to England....if you guys will party like this to say Good Bye to me! Will you???
Good bye, Stephanie! Please have the time of your life!!!
I second Kim's comment!
hey at least you have boobies
I have to agree with everyone....wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't of pointed it out. Too funny!
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