Even though I have a year to prepare, it came at me fast. LIFE has been happening at our house and has been a little overwhelming. I know there can always be a good excuse for not doing things but the Christmas hoopla is something I love.
I love Christmas cards. I love the family photo. I love the driving through lit neighborhoods, ooohing and ahhhing while drinking hot cocoa. I love finding snow so we can build a snowman. I love baking and delivering yummy treats. I love creating the Christmas scenes I have in my head, knowing my man clan will "always remember these family memories."
Thankfully, I came across a Corey Allen article that snapped me out of it.
Who cares that some, okay most, of our yearly traditions went to the wayside this year. I don't think they will remember. I am going to focus on being grateful for my family, the things that we HAVE done this Christmas season and the family memories we are going to make the next few days with our extended family celebrations. No more wallowing for me. I can't rewind the clock so I'm going with the flow and will be in the moment, enjoying it all.
"Gratitude is the key to happiness and anything that undermines gratitude must undermine happiness. And nothing undermines gratitude as much as expectations. The more expectations you have, the less gratitude you will have." ~Dennis Prager
This is a great reminder for all of us. I didn't realize you were so down on yourself or i wouldn't have made that joke on my blog. Thanks for sharing with us. It helps to get it out though, huh? I love you and think you're an amazing mom and i'm positive the man-clan thinks the same thing! Merry christmas!
I wish I would have joked on my blog. I need to blog a post. Back to you; you need to spend more time with your parents. :)
Love you!
I agree with Stef, your man clan loves you but not your peanut butter balls.
You are doing great!!! Please don't be so hard on yourself. I decided this year, if it doesn't get done it doesn't get done. So be it! Life will go on as normal, enjoy the season instead of stress the season ;) I love you!!
When I saw your post about your disappointments for all you wanted to do but didn't this year, I could completely relate -- Eliot's month-long illness wiped out most of my best intentions this year. But I think it was the reminder that I needed to slow down and enjoy the quiet moments instead of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I loved what President Uchtdorf said in the Christmas fireside about not letting the busyness of this time of year take away from our quiet celebrations of the Savior with our families ... glad you're feeling more at peace about how it all turned out. Love and miss you!
Fantastic POST!
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