It's that time of year again. Time for resolutions, goal setting and for reflection.
This past year has been full of ups and downs, smiles and frowns, tears and laughter, stress and joy. Looking at 2010, I see our blessings and I don't want to take them for granted. We had a wonderful year!

In January we welcomed the year with open arms, I painted the inside of the
front door,
made curtains for the bedrooms,
won a giveaway to Alice Lane Home Collection, Larry and I found out we are
related to two of our friends, I finally got my
baseboards - yay me!,
Josh came to visit us, I captured a
common sight at our house, I accidentally glued my fingers together, I started to
learn to knit (I have a confession - I still need to finish that project!), had some
glow stick fun with the man clan, Landon wrote a
story in preschool, I was thrilled to receive a
blog comment from Eddie Ross, I made a fun
apron, celebrated
mom's birthday in Portland, had a
giveaway, saw my
first silent film, did the
Love Dare Challenge and went on a super fun
girl's weekend at the coast with Steph, Kim and Sarah.

In February we did a countdown to Valentine's Day with the
14 Days of Love, I went on a
photo walk at Deepwood Estates, did a 6 week fitness challenge, watched the Winter Olympics, I got an awesome steam mop, we celebrated
Valentine's Day, Larry and I had a super fun
bowling date, I hosted
Yaya's, we
flew kites, we celebrated
Ivon's birthday, attended a black and white
movie series at a historical theater, did a
photo shoot with Maddie, Lach had
need for speed and celebrated
Grandpa Joan and Maddie's birthday.

In March we saw the gorgeous
cherry blossoms downtown, celebrated
Stephanie's birthday, had an impromptu
putty party, celebrated Derek's birthday, Larry grew a stache for Mustache March, we celebrated
Landon's birthday, made a
fondant Mario cake, decorated for
Stake Women's Conference, did a
virtual talent show, LongBoardLarry boards were part of the
gift baskets to the actors of the movie - Straw Dogs, we celebrated
St. Patrick's Day with a green gala, Larry J got his
Life and Laird got his First Class, I went to a midnight dvd movie
release party, the
MTV Spring Product Guide featured LongBoardLarry boards, we went to the
Tulip Festival, completed the living room
photo wall, I learned to make
chocolate covered marshmallow eggs and we celebrated Sarah's birthday.

In April
Mustache March ended (yay!), we celebrated Easter, I completed
my first 5K, we celebrated
Mary's birthday, I
visited Sherri and Kimberly in Pella, did a
photo walk at the Portland Temple, made Steve wildlife sugar cookies, went to a
Devotchka concert with Larry, Larry was a
speaker at the National High School Journalism Convention, we got a
carpet for our dining room, I received my grandfather's
family bible, we celebrated Steve's birthday and celebrated
Kim's 40th.

In May we
celebrated May Day, had a family outing at a
farm, we celebrated
Larry's 40th with a fondant LongBoardLarry Humu
cake, we celebrated
Mother's Day at home and at
Sarah's, completed a fun custom
sign, we celebrated Alivia's birthday, had an awesome
water fight, I had a
sister weekend in San Francisco and our family had a blast in visiting
San Clemente.

In June I celebrated
my birthday with the Yayas, with
friends, more
friends, with the
family and I even got
kidnapped, Derek and Erica got
engaged, we celebrated Michael & Michael's birthday, went to Utah and visited my
grandmother and stayed with my awesome
cousin, ran a
5k with family, had a
mini reunion, I took Derek and Erica's
engagement photos, we celebrated
Father's Day, we celebrated my
dad's birthday, pulled out bushes in the backyard,
had a
sleep over with 7 excited cousins, had lots of trampoline fun, Larry ran his first
5K and we planted our
first garden.

In July Larry and I celebrated our
17th wedding anniversary, we celebrated Independence Day with
family, the
newest family and
fireworks, the Yaya's had our
10 year anniversary, we
painted our house and
trim, I love my robin's egg blue front door!, the
garage door windows got a facelift, Landon had the
shopping cart incident, we started
harvesting our garden, my man clan
beat the heat, we had a lot of
dinners at the park, I participated in fun and exciting wedding planning, Erica had a Broadway themed
bridal shower, Larry was quoted in
The New York Times, LongBoardLarry
moved locations and Landon planned a
kid party.

In August Laird's
face met pain, the kids had a bachelor
party, we ate lots of roadside fruit stand deliciousness, Larry surprised me with a
unicycle, we saw a
meteor shower, celebrated Dennis' birthday, Steve came to visit, I went to the
temple with Stephanie, we had our
noses waxed, Derek and Erica got
married, Miriam came to visit, Laird got braces,
Stephanie-Palooza began, I
hiked the Trail of Ten Falls and Landon lost his first tooth.

In September Larry J's first year of high school
football began, we celebrated
Lach's birthday, I became
allergic to animal protein and was forced to become vegan, I went
whale watching and had a fun
sister's weekend at the beach, we celebrated
Laird's birthday, made him a fondant ipod birthday cake, went to a
Pirate Festival, Jill and John became
engaged, we made
flubber, Stephanie started saying her goodbyes and
dyed her hair purple.

In October I went to Utah with Stephanie to see her off for her Scotland adventures. While I was there I saw some
Monterey friends,
hiked the "Y", saw my
grandmother and aunts, rented a
party mobile, went to the
Bonniville Salt Flats, met up with an
Oregon friend, attended the morning session of
General Conference, visited
Hatch Family Chocolates, we had a fun
going away party for Steph and then I said goodbye to her at the
airport. Once home the month long Halloween fun began with spooky food, pumpkins,
ghostly shenanigans, hayrides and
field trips and costumes.
Gaylene visited from Hawaii and Dennis and I celebrated our
two year anniversary.

In November we visited
Erica and Derek in Idaho, while we were on our way to Utah to pick up
Lily. Larry participated in No Shave November (uggg), he made me an awesome
coffee table, we celebrated Erica's birthday, Larry took me to a
Brandon Flower's concert (I'm still swooning!), we celebrated
Larry's birthday, we celebrated Thanksgiving, dad and I
decorated his tree,
Adam Colton and Adam Stokowski came to visit and there was a lot of wrestling, yoga, a
voodoo challenge, biore strips, skating and

In December No Shave November was over (yippee kai yay!), we had our annual
peanut butter ball making, I received the
coolest ornament, our community had a
live nativity, I made a fondant birthday
cake, we had an employee Christmas
dinner, got an awesome Christmas
tree at Brent and Juli's, I had the
worst day ever of 2010, we celebrated
Grandma Joan's birthday, my father made incredibly beautiful handcrafted pens, I had an
attitude adjustment, we celebrated
Christmas Eve with Papa Ivon and Mama Nanny and celebrated
Christmas Day with Grandma and Grandpa Joan.
What a wonderful, wonderful year!
Wow you fit in a lot in 2010!! What a fun year :-)
What a great post! You had a great year and I'm sure 2011 will be just as exciting! Love you!
You have been a very busy girl!!!
I love this post! You guys had such a fun and busy year.
Nice recap of the year. It was fun to do many of the events with you. :)
and i have enjoyed every moment of these events that you have shared. heres to a new year,,,
What a magnificent year!!!
I am so happy I got to be part of it..and make the post...yippee!!!
Forgot to mention you forgot my birthday until I mentioned it :D
Steve, Stevie, Stevie-Poo, I never forgot your birthday. If you remember correctly, you received a wonderful happy birthday rendition from the man clan and I. I put up your blog birthday shout out late, but I did not for get my big brother's birthday. Never, never. Love you! :-)
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