This week, the art classes were on landscapes and the technique of layering.

The first painting we did, our teacher had us use a plastic spoon, knife and fork, a sponge and 2 brushes to paint with.

The second one was a sea scape again, but she had us layer differently than we did the first time.

And an animal - yes, I know Lily is a little cartoony. I was going to start over and use a some different techniques, but my teacher recommended that I keep this one for the wee ones. I have a feeling there might be quite a few Lily paintings before I get it right. She's going to be a tough one to paint with me being a newbie.

In drawing class we had to sketch a landscape super quick. This one we had to use pen and a water color pencil to enhance.

This one, we had to be uber quick. She was teaching us the sketching technique of getting the idea down fast so we could draw or paint it later. I need to work on being looser with my pencil.

And, here is my first animal.