Inspiration for the cake came from this post, but I used this fondant recipe..
Last night I made the fondant and let it set up overnight.
Then earlier today I made two 9x13 cakes, layered them with buttercream frosting and cut them into a number 5.... Tonight, many dye jobs later, much like my sister's hair, we had a multi color assortment of fondant shapes....
Fondant was smoothed on the cake and shapes were put into place. It's hard to tell with this lighting, but the base fondant color is sky blue...
Our finished product is a cake that will surprise the birthday boy.
We just hope he isn't disappointed it isn't Luigi on top - his favorite but he was sold out.
It would have taken me FOREVER to finish this cake, (my first solo after this class), thanks Steph for all your help - you are the best mushroom maker!!....
18 comments: can't put amazing stuff like this on your blog after looking at my blog!!! ;)
That's an adorable, amazing cake! I can't wait to see pictures of his reaction. I want one for my next birthday.
That is absolutely fabulous!!! I love it! Great job to both of you ~ I'm thinking I need to learn how to make fondant because that is cooler than any cake I've ever frosted and better than any store bought cake I've ever seen!!
I just have no words for this. I have never, and will never, produce a cake that looks this good. He will LOVE it. Very special.
I love making cakes...and that rocks! I totally need to copy! Luke will love it. Can you help me make it in October?
Oh my stars, Laura! This is amazing. I think that may be the cutest cake I've ever seen. You are brilliant.
What a work of love! I am sure he will be SO surprised. It is almost too cute to eat- almost.
Awesome cake! I've got one turning 5 soon, too, and it looks like a car cake is in my future.
You did an amazing job on the cake (I love the comment about "after many dye jobs, like my sisters hair)!!! He is going to love it and say, "where's Luigi?" BUT he'll love it!!! I see many fondant cakes in your future ;) You and Stephanie make a great team!!!!
WOW...great cake. Looks like a lot of work from a mom who loves her birthday boy.
Happy Birthday little man!!!
Beautiful job on the cake! That fondant on the five looks SO smooth!
Both Brent and I cracked up on your dye job comment - good thing your sister loves you!
You're AMAZING...that's all I can say...AMAZING
Thanks for all the nice comments on the cake! :-)
That is absolutely and awesome cake!
I LOVE this cake! You guys did such a great job.
Ooohhhh...the cake looks fantastic!! I love it!
Oh my goodness that is truly a masterpiece.
Love it! was it hard to want to eat it after all of that hard work?
Super cute! Great job Laura and Stephanie!
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