After being told "don't get frustrated, it's only a game",
(It happens quite frequently),
he blurts out,
Landon -"I'm trying to play 2 player!"
Me -"But you're playing by yourself."
Landon -"No! - I want Steve to play with me but he won't connect!!!!"
Me - "But Steve lives in Alaska and it's too far for him to connect with you."
Landon - "I want to go to Alaska and play with Steve!!!"

This went on for about a half an hour.
Three year old drama.....
That is too sweet. What a cutie pie he is.
You can always use my computer if Steve is at home and do a webcam between Landon and Steve. If you do not know how to connect, Steve will walk you through it.
Yes, I am that awesome !
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