Friday, March 1, 2013


In November I bought Larry some German safety goggles for a Christmas present.  They said they would be delivered by April 14.  The goggles have arrived!  So even though it's super late for a Christmas present, they're actually early.  And, they are SO RAD!
Last night he was wearing them while on his phone and while we were watching tv.
This was cracking me up so bad.
Doesn't this remind you of the Notting Hill movie scene?
Larry said, "Wearing these goggles, I feel like I should be welding or riding our motorcycle.  Better yet, welding WHILE riding the motorcycle."
Unfortunately, he can't wear them right now on our motorcycle because it's in the garage torn apart.  Maybe in a few months.  As far as welding, yeah, he can do that.
I want to get a photo of him longboarding in them.  Oh, the possibilities.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Those goggles are the absolute best! Your family rocks!!!

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