You know me well if you know that I have a crazy, doesn't make sense, sometimes embarrassing, stupid condition called Lower Esophageal Hypertensive Sphincter Syndrome...
Which in layman's terms means when I eat food, 50-80% of the time, my food gets stuck in one of two places in my esophagus where it spasms even if I have to have a lot of liquid, sometimes to the extent that we have to have an emergency room visit, and when I take medicine, even if it's the smallest of pills, 99.9% of the time they will get stuck.
If any of you or your spouses are doctors that would like to fix this for me I'd be ever so grateful.
ANYWAY, I have had a headache the past three going on four days and it has woke me with a doozy.
And ANYWAY, this weekend my church had it's semi-annual conference and one of the things we were counseled on was to focus on our blessings during our times of hardships and trials, whatever they may be.
This headache is a pain in my backside and now that I have had a little vent, I am choosing to focus on something good.
I am thankful for St. Josephs Adult Chewable Asprin.
I'm going back to bed....
I'm sorry you've had that horrible headache. I hope you feel 100% when you wake up. Love ya!
Me too. good thing I was asleep when you were ornery. :)
Love you and your crazy swallowing condition.
So sorry you're having those darn headaches. Hope they leave you alone so you can enjoy the great weather we're having.
So, you know those Twilight drink labels I sent gets even better. Thought you might get a kick out of this...
Ughh... headaches are no fun, especially going on 4 days! Sorry, hope you are feeling better soon!
Oh Laura,
I hope you're feeling better now! ARe the headaches due to the sphincter condition or something else? I am SO sorry that you're having headaches, I know how they feel! Love~Rachael
(and you know you can call/email if you need me to do anything for you~like run to the store for a bottle of aspirin!!!)
I know you hurt....It has to go away at some point (one can hope) There is always a silver lining, sometimes we have to look hard but it's there. I love you and i didn't know you were onery, you hid it very well ;-)
Poor you. I hope you're feeling better! I really, really can't imagine you being grumpy!
I'm sorry chica... I hope you are finally getting over that stinkin headache.. Feel better soon. Love ya!
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