Saturday, July 31, 2010


Someone is quite put out because he found out there is a party for Uncle Derek and he isn't allowed to come.

It's for men only - and he's a boy....

He promised he'd be good - why don't we believe him?...

Uncle Steve gets to go - why can't he?.... His solution is to have his own party at Sunday family dinner.

He has delegated Aunt Stephanie to bring decorations.

He assigned me to help him with invitations and to bring a dessert.

He said the adults can eat the food at his party BUT he was very specific about one thing.....He wants orange cream soda in the bottle and it's for kids only - adults have to bring their own soda.

He now thinks Uncle Derek is going to bring him a present.

He is ready to P~A~R~T~Y....


Derek Young said...

I have no words for this post

meesteryoung said...


Ivon said...

I am ready to party.

5Youngers said...

I concur.... AWESOME!

Nancy said...

This is just too cute for words!!! He's a man (boy) that takes charge....he sees a need (for himself and his fellow man/woman) for those who aren't old enough for "adult" parties, for men that will be married in two weeks. He is there to right the wrong! To find justice for those oppressed!!!!

Katie said...

Well....I think this idea totally rocks!

Sherri said...

Perfect idea!! I love it!!!

Kim said...

The invites are fabulous! Hope the party is a rockin' success!!

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