As soon as I arrived I had my shrink appointment, ummm I mean my Social Work Consultation...
Then I was off to get my 3D Spiral CT Scan...
With an already full bladder, I had to drink 20 more ounces of water and hold it...
The tech told me that when the dye is injected I will get a metalic taste in my mouth, it will get warm and it will feel like I was peeing myself. Well, she was right!
With a full bladder and the sensation that you are peeing yourself, it's a little freaky!
I SO did not want to pee myself today....
Next I had a KUB X-ray and chest X-rays and thankfully I was able to pee...
An EKG was next on the list...
I left the table for just a sec and the sleepy heads were out again....
I need to get my "support" some caffeine for the ride home...
We're ready to go home but OHSU is huge folks and the car was lost....
Little did we know that when I got home I would receive a phone call from the hospital informing me that I was let go from the physical too early and have to come back.
Hopefully this doesn't mean it will take longer to get our date scheduled. We'll keep you posted....
Everyone seems to be doing the happy dance. I am a little sad that they said I was too fat to donate my kidney. :)
I am happy for you and Dennis. Now he can grow old with me.
Wow. What a day! Did they say what more needs to be done? I hope it's just something short and sweet. Love you!
Yeah! One major day is out of the way. Hopefully what you have to go back for is minimal and won't set back the date of "the big day." So glad to hear things are moving along nicely. Thanks for the update.
Whew- just reading about your day made my tired. I hope all your tests and exams report that you are healthy and ready for the surgery. Good for you for documenting the entire process- it really will be memories that your whole family will appreciate.
Oh, Laura, that was a VERY big day. You're amazing...even finding to call me. I hope this yucky stuff gets over soon and we can move on to everyone being healthy!
love you,
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