Monday, July 14, 2008


Our family has a huge and exciting announcement! For those of you who haven't met him, this is my Uncle Dennis and I am having the honor of giving him my kidney...

Testing is going smoothly and so far, so good...

so far, we're looking at about 90% match.....

We would appreciate any prayers you would like to send our way, specifically for testing to continue smoothly and Lach giving up the boobie.

This process is proceeding quickly, much to our delight and we'd love for you to share our excitement, so as we get news, we'll share it with you.


The Mulligan Family said...

Laura - I know how excited you are to be able to give this gift to your Uncle. And, I know that the prospect of this gift makes him happy and excited too. You are such a beautiful, giving and kind hearted person. I know that all will go smoothly. You and your Uncle are in my prayers.

Mary Kelly said...

Wow Laura- what a gift for your Uncle. You are such a good person to be willing to do that and good for Lach for his sacrifice too! Please let us know when the surgery is and if there is anything we can do for your family while you recover.

Katie said...

Wow! What an experience for your family. I am so glad things seem to be going well so far. Good luck with the rest of the testing...and with Lach. We'll be sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way. Keep us updated and yell if you need anything.

Bend Marley's said...

You are an amazing woman! You and your uncle are in my prayers. And I will send good vibes for Lach to only desire diet coke in a sippy cup!:)

Laura said...

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! :-)

Baller family said...

Laura, you are amazing and are always so giving unto others! You are a great example! You, your uncle, and family will be in my prayers.

Jeanette said...

Wow! That's a big deal. Good luck! :)

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