Saturday, December 26, 2009


I am not a fan of curtains in a laundry room, so we don't have them.
Sometimes late at night doing laundry, I'm not the most modest.
This is what I see when I look out the window - who knows what our neighbor has seen..... Now that we don't have midnight Christmas projects, we were able to tackle this window project that has been at the top of our list for quite sometime... We purchased Gila Privacy Frosted Window Film (19.99) and used the Gila Window Film Application Kit (8.99) to put it on. Super fast, super easy and save me hours of etching the window.
We are thrilled with the results and the price and I'm sure our neighbor will be glad too!
I'd show you more but we still have purple molding and we have major plans for this room. It will be quite sometime before you see it....


Ivon said...

Nice frosted windows. We don't want to scare any neighbors. :)

Sherri said...

So talented!
You dad makes pens and you give facelifts to laundry rooms...

Nancy said...

Pretty clever on your part, I can't wait to see it!!

Katie said...

Why on earth would you replace the purple molding? :) I can't wait to see the finished room.

Family Fun said...

Good job!!!
My laundry room or should I say laundry closet does not have any windows. But since I love to open the blinds and enjoy a good streaking I don't have any secrets from my neighbors.:)

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